Winterizing Your Pontoon Boat

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Proper storage and preparation for winter are crucial to keeping your pontoon boat in the best condition while you aren’t using it. This process is called winterizing and can help extend the lifespan of your boat. Follow these key steps to winterizing your pontoon boat so it stays in top condition during the off-season. 


Thoroughly cleaning your pontoon boat is the first step to winterizing. Make sure to clean both the inside and outside thoroughly, focusing on any dust, grime, spills, stains, or barnacles. Then, ensure that the boat is completely dry. Once all surfaces are clean and dry, use fabric protector on upholstery, and boat polish on the boat itself. This will create a protective barrier from any potential rust or dust. Again, let these products dry thoroughly before storage. After all, you don’t want any additional moisture in there.

Remove Equipment

Any miscellaneous equipment should be removed from the pontoon for the winter. This includes lifejackets, fishing gear, towels, and any water toys. You should also remove any electronics like fish finders and GPS systems. This ensures that everything is stored safely and in appropriate conditions. Finally, remove the battery and store it safely with a trickle charger attached.

Setting the Engine

Each engine may vary slightly, so please always check your engine’s owner’s manual for specifics. As your engine will be sitting unused for a long period of time, you should spray the carburetor with fogging oil. Then, remove the spark plugs and spray fogging oil as per instructions before replacing the spark plugs without reconnecting the wires. This provides a protective coating for the engine. 

Before storing your pontoon boat for the season, you should also make sure that the fuel tank is at least ¾ full. This minimizes the potential of condensation within the tank. Consider adding a fuel additive and stabilizer to the tank as well. This will ensure that the fuel is usable when you pull the pontoon back out of storage in a few months. 

Grease the Fittings

All fittings on your pontoon should be greased before you store it away. This ensures that they are working well and minimizes rust build-up and corrosion. Consult your owner’s manual to see exactly where you need to grease and what grease to use.

Cover It

While you should always store your pontoon boat indoors, a protective cover is also highly recommended. You can buy a protective cover that fits your pontoon and use straps to ensure it fits snugly, or you can shrink-wrap it. Shrink-wrapping your pontoon provides the best protection against moisture and critters. Furthermore, if necessary, a shrink-wrapped boat can be stored outside with minimal chance of weather damage. While you can do this process yourself, it is best done by a professional, especially if the pontoon won’t be undercover. 

Winterizing your pontoon boat is simple with the steps above, and it can save you a lot of money on repairs. Take the time to take care of your pontoon, and it will last you and your family a lifetime.

Suncatcher is a leading manufacturer in the pontoon boat industry, offering amazing customer service and custom pontoon boats that meet your needs. They offer quality, performance, and customer satisfaction with every interaction. Find a local dealer near you to discuss your pontoon boat dreams!